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Aunties nylon swish tumblr

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When I turned 13, Aunt Pam sat me down one day, apropos of nothing, and said she was going to introduce me to her ‘little helpers’. This was kindled in me by Aunt Pam, with the help of her friend Doreen, who lived with her.

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My second great desire in this weird and shadowy dimension was to be spanked myself by a stern, no-nonsense older female. This kindled in me my first great ‘love’ in the murky world of shadows – the desire to see a pretty girl spanked. The adults who mostly protected you could also punish you. It was both somehow thrilling and terrifying.

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Seeing a girl’s pants was unheard of in everyday life, so for it to be sanctioned, legally, was almost akin to waiting for execution where you were not only punished, but legally invaded and destroyed, like in an act of war. This experience aroused in me a fascination for the possibility that a pretty, innocent girl could get spanked by an unreasonable authority figure – not only that, but across her knickers. I had also accumulated three stripes this way myself a couple of times, but for some reason escaped with just a telling-off.Īnne, however, got spanked on this occasion – I could hear her being punished as I awaited my own fate. A bit unfair, but this was Anne’s situation. Then, if you just got a single stripe on top of that, you were for it. Sometimes, a whole class could get a ‘double stripe’ for rowdiness. Rumour had it that girls would have their skirts raised and be smacked on the seat of their knickers, though no girl I knew would admit to this being the case. This usually meant the cane for boys or an over-the-knee traditional spanking for girls. We had a ‘stars and stripes’ system of discipline at the school – stars for good behaviour, stripes for bad. However, before my turn in his study was a girl called Anne, on whom I had something of a crush. I was otherwise a model pupil, so I guess I’d earned some credit points. At my primary school I was once sent to the headmaster for playfully spanking a girl’s bottom – but instead of getting the cane (which is what usually happened if you were sent to the head) he just scooped me up in one movement, slapped my behind three times and told me to never to do that again. I did find the atmosphere of spanking that was around in every facet of cultural life quite exciting forbidden, terrifying, and yet intriguing. Even back then spanking, it seems, was mainly for boys. Pam also had a daughter, Jane, but there never seemed to be any talk of her being corporally punished. Indeed, I never really knew Rory, who was a good 10 years or so older than I. I had kind of picked up that she used to cane her son Rory across his bare bottom until he was 18 and left home for university – it was sort of hinted at in the family and used as a vague threat, but whilst I was intrigued, I didn’t relate it to myself in any way, or her connection to me. When I turned 13 – the age of confirmation and ‘manhood’ in both Judaism and Christianity – her attitude towards me became a little less playful and rather more stern. I was actually Jewish, so Pam was not a blood aunt, but an ‘auntie’ – a friend of the family. Aunt Pam was a Christian fundamentalist, and in my teens I’d sometimes stay weekends or for a time in school holidays at her lovely house in Amersham, and she became a kind of tutor to me too. However I did have an an ‘aunt’ who sometimes put me across her knee in play or mock seriousness – but this was more of a game, and I would often even encourage it! However, at my senior school I was regularly caned and slippered as we all were, going into the 1970s. Although we did have the cane at my sweet little primary school in Wembley, London, in the 1960s, I managed to avoid it.

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